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°²»ª¸ßFiber Optics¹âÄ £¿é

°²»ª¸ßFiber Optics¹âÄ£¿é

Fiber Optics

     The Avago AFBR-7IERxxZ is a Four-Channel, Pluggable, Parallel, Fiber-Optic QSFP+ Active Optical Cable (AOC) to 4x SFP+ Active Optical Cable break-out solution.  This “Octopus” cable is intended for 40G to 4x 10G applications.

The AFBR-7IERxxZ  is a high performance cable for short-range multi-lane data communication and interconnect applications.  It integrates four data lanes in each direction with 40 Gbps aggregate bandwidth. Each lane can operate at 10.3125 Gbps. These cables also support 4x10G InfiniBand QDR applications and are backward compatible to the 4x5G IB DDR and 4x2.5G IB single IB SDR applications.

°²»ª¸ßAvago SFP¹âÄ £¿é



         The purpose of the Avago AFCT-5716Z evaluation kit is to provide designers with a convenient means of evaluating Avago SFP+ and SFP+ AOC fiber optic transceiver modules supporting 16G fiber channel (16GFC) and 10G Ethernet applications. The evaluation kit is compliant with ANSI Fibre Channel FC-PI-5 for high speed electrical and optical specifications. 

 Evaluation Kit for XENPAK Optical Transceivers

Evaluation Kit for XENPAK Optical Transceivers

Evaluation Kit for XENPAK Optical Transceivers

         These displays have a 27.4 mm (1.08 inch) character height and use industry standard size and pin-out. The devices are common row anode configurations. The displays are in black face paint and in Green.

FT SFF-8074



              The SFP extender board was designed to access SFP low speed control signals while a DUT SFP compliant to SFF-8074 is plugged into the target application system such as a network switch and router. TX & RX high speed signals are routed on the board with 50 ohm transmission lines to maintain signal integrity.

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